07 July 2009

Eagle Eye, 2008

I enjoyed the plot in this film; a good bit of suspense, not knowing who was directly Jerry and Rachel to do all those crazy things they would never do in real life. The twists and story branches are quite good.

The computer technology aspect is a bit of a double-edge sword. For entertainment value, it is intriguing to see a super-computer do so much, the possibilities of all the control it could exert over our lives. However, my belief was suspended a bit too thin and it became more of a gimmick for me.

Great acting all around. Rachel's kid Sam (Cameron Boyce) has the most engaging smile. =) Even those with small parts did a great job, IMO. I enjoyed the action scense, although by the end I felt like it was going over-the-top with the extent to which the AI could manipulate the world.

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