26 May 2009

From A to X: A Story in Letters by John Berger

This book was the result of a completely random experiment; I was trolling the "New" section of the incoming books and grabbed a few sci-fi books, and purposefully pulled one that was neither Sci-fi or Mystery. This book is an absolute gem!

Perhaps my long journey in the science fiction genre has dulled my literary senses somewhat. Perhaps I become desensitized to bad writing. I dunno - maybe it is just that the genre is a niche, and I needed to get out of that niche. Perhaps this author is just brilliant!

The raw yearning is characterized in such a powerful way - it is not immature, not the flippant "Oh, I miss you so much!" puff.
[T]he day does not begin with your absence. It begins with the decision that we took together to do what we are doing.

Every night I put you together - bone by delicate bone

There are many phrases that I would love to quote from this book; the author has a very distinguished and fresh perspective of life that I found myself waiting for the next surprise every time I turned the page.

The book is written from a female's point of view, and I wonder how it would be different if the author were female. Regardless, the intimate details are the stuff of real life; melancholy, private thoughts, reminiscence, longings, and personal discoveries. The characters are intelligent, witty, full of life and driven by hope. This is the kind of book that I want to read again, just for the inspiration and expressiveness that Berger buries into his work, a work that provides fertile ground for a strong crop.