12 July 2010

Sherlock Holmes, 2010

I wonder how many times Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's story has been retold in the cinemas. I enjoyed this retelling, although Hollywood took some excessive license with our well-known hero. Call me slow, but it just dawned on me how similar Gregory House (House, M.D.) is to Doyle's main character.

I like Robert Downey, Jr. as a swash-buckling, egotistical almost-megalomaniac Hero. I am not so sure it comes off well as Sherlock Holmes; he gets the intelligence and the wit down pat, but some of the buffoonery comes off as sheer incompetence as opposed to absent-mindedness sometimes associated with a great intellect. I do in particular like the well-thought out premeditated scenes (most having to do with fights); to counter that, all that slapping stuff was just stupid.

Great characters all around, good casting (not great, not horrible). Good show. Passable.

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