05 March 2008

Raisin in the Sun, 2008 TV Movie

As a white person watching this movie, I found it very eye-opening; the topic reminds me of the horrible inequities faced by minority groups in our country, but also highlights the bravery, stamina and raw strength that some people have, no matter what situation they are in.

The cast was excellent and I was drawn in by the acting. The filmography was a bit too dark for me; the graininess I attributed to my TV. =) The story was riveting and very real, from my perspective. I felt Walter's struggle to be a man, amidst so many distractions, challenges and temptations. The day-by-day struggles of this family were amazing, only to be outdone by the strong vision of the mother ("Lena") and the vivacious glue with which she kept the family together.

The subplot about African heritage was interesting as well. I am reminded how much I, and perhaps most Americans, are rather ignorant of general African history.

My heart is torn by this type of drama, mostly because I know it is real and folks are still suffering from it. There is absolutely no good reason for this type of prejudice and racial disharmony; only bad reasons.