19 March 2008

10,000 BC, 2008

I had high hopes for this flick, and unfortunately, I fell victim to advertising. Dang, I hate when that happens!

I was really expecting a lot more action; more fights, more war, more battles. Something!

Let's start with the good parts. The scale of the pyramid building was impressive. I am curious how many real people they actually had; there were some scenese were at least 50 were obviously real, but I highly suspect that was it. What else... The decor and motif for the early tribesmen seemed really barbaric, adding to a sense of authenticity. The austere mountain scenery was nice; the remote wastes of those mountains seemed rather savage.

Most everything else I did not like. The egyptian-looking folks were way to advanced for 10,000 BC. And what was up with muxing and flanging the audio for the voices to such extremes? Way too much CGI, and the oversized ostritch-vulture things were a bit out of place. No fighting with the saber-tooth? The acting was forgettable. There was just too much that was unbelievable in the movie.