05 March 2008

Age of Empires, Microsoft game

I dabbled with the AoE II demo a while back, so I thought $10 would be a good price to get everything up to an including the AoE II expansion pack. You get what you pay for.

AoE II is definitely more polished than the original. I am playing through the original now and really finding it hard to like. No way points or build queues. My warriors stand around like dummies when an enemy is nearby (I already set Diplomacy to "Enemy"), and the pathfinding algorithms suck big time. Watch towers seem hesitant to fire upon the enemy (fear of retribution?). And how come if I kill an animal with a warrior I cannot harvest its meat?

I am looking forward to playing AoE II again; my memory is a little blurry, but I seem to remember that it was a little more satisfying.