08 November 2008

Kung Fu Panda, 2008

Jack Black.... either you love him or hate him. Maybe his appeal to the younger generation is what turns me off. Maybe we should call him Jack "thingy" Black.

I did, however, really enjoy the story. Not to pick on Mr. Black, but I felt he brought way too much American flavor into what is essentially a very Chinese/Buddhist story. The ancient turtle (Oogway) was the quintessential eastern mystic, and Tai Lung was great as the really pissed off, uber bad guy. Did this story remind anyone of Karate Kid? =)

We brought our daughter, and I think the film was a bit too dark, too violent and too serious for her age-group. I did appreciate the wit and some of the more adult themes, but wish I would have not exposed my little girl to this film at this point in her life. I am glad we saw it together, instead of her seeing this piece without me.

The whole thing with the noodle shot was quite good. There were quite a few knowing laughs when the father (a duck) attempts to tell his son (a panda) something about their relationship he has not told him before. I enjoyed the voice acting (with the one noted exception); I almost felt bad for Jackie Chan when I found out he did the monkey.

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