I rather enjoyed this book, even though there were a couple things I did not particularly desire. But those were minor, so let me get them out of the way.
First, the "hero" is telling a story about his childhood firsthand. I am not a big fan of too-tall-to-be-true stories. Not only is it hard for me to identify with a character who is half my age, but I find it disturbing that the fictional child has so many mature and adult characteristics.
Secondly, I dislike incomplete stories. 'Tis like a song that ends on a leading chord. I happened to be on Amazon looking for more information about the author, and the next book is due out in April, 2009! I will have forgotten about this author and story by then.
Ok, now that the unpleasantries are out of the way. There are parts of this book that remind me of when I read Terry Goodkind's "Debt of Bones". There is something raw, something gritty in the story that makes it come alive. Sometimes you can smell the dust that is kicked up from the well-worn dirt road atop your dappled horse, the leather saddle creaking in slow cadence to the pleasant canter. I enjoy the nature in which "magic" is employed; not some abra-cadabra fancy posh ritual, but something that some folks can tap into better than others, to various degrees and ends. I enjoy the mystery of the bad guy. I appreciate how "real life" and science is woven into various forms of magic, coming up with things I have never heard of before like "sygaldry".
I really enjoy his universe as well. There are histories that can be explored, characters that fit like puzzle pieces, even without a tremendous amount of back story. The universe is very consistent, well thought out and complex to boot. I like that. There are twists on old ideas (a nomandic musical group called the Edema Ruh) that leave you with the feeling that you might be able to come up with a comparison in some far distant land; these kind of things help draw the reader in, and I really like to be drawn in. As the characters progress and explore, the reader is compelled to go along for the ride, just to find out what happens next.
I imagine I will one day pick up the sequel at the library and wonder what it is about, probably read it to be reminded of something very very similar. Maybe I will find this post and it will all come cascading back to me. =)