28 July 2007

The Star Wars books

At one point, I was on a kick of reading Star Wars books. I even included the originals. I found the experience interesting, but was soon jaded (no pun intended, for those that are fans of The Right Hand). My last book was one of the New Jedi Order, where one of the Solo Jedi kids are killed in action.

As I read a book here and a book there, I enjoyed seeing different species and different ways of handling things. You get some that are overly aggressive, some that are pathological, and some that are extremely charitable. While I find the Yuuzhan Vong (everyone needs an impossible, unconquerable, evil antagonist, right?) a little far-fetched at times, I think the powers that be have done a good job at making them fit in the Star Wars Universe. It is sorta fun keeping up with all the old heroes, but sometimes they just seem really stupid for all the power and responsibility they possess. And for the Jedi Masters, especially Luke, I find it unbelievable that they find themselves in such pickles.

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